Calling all Designers: Request for Applications to Sell Your Products at the Second Annual Design Salon Holiday Sale (November 21 2009!)
We are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting the Second Annual Design Salon Holiday Sale this year on November 21st and want to invite you to submit an application to participate in this great retail event.
Like last year, we are planning quite a bit of press and marketing for the event, proceeds of which will support the Kingsley Montessori School in Boston. We will utilize Kingsley’s beautiful space in the Back Bay for the event. Kingsley is located on Exeter Street between Newbury Street and Commonwealth Avenue.
Setup for the event will take place on Friday, November 20th and Design Salon founder Jill Rosenwald will host a Pot Luck Dinner Party at her nearby home on Commonwealth Ave. All salonistas are encouraged to attend (and bring a dish to share!), even if they are not participating in the Sale.
The Holiday Sale will take place on Saturday November 21st from 10am to 5pm.
We welcome manufactures and designers of all types of products to submit applications to the Holiday Sale Review Committee by Friday, October 9th. We would love to have every Design Gal participate, but unfortunately space is limited and we encourage you to submit your applications as early as possible.
Participants of the event will be required to pay a $25 administrative fee. Additionally, 20% of gross revenue (less taxes) will be donated to the Kingsley Montessori School.
To apply to participate in the DS Holiday Sale, please send an email to with answers to the following questions. Additionally, please attach 2-3 photographs of the products which you would sell at the event. Please note that if you participated last year, we will need you to reapply with updated information and product photos.
- Your name, company name, website address, description of company, and EIN number.
- Please describe the products that you would sell at the DS Holiday Sale. Please include details about the materials that are used in your products.
- Which retailers sell your products (if you sell to retailers.)
- Have your products been covered in any online or traditional publications?
- What are the price points for your products?
- Who, typically, is the target audience of your product?
Please email your application by October 9th at the latest. Decisions will be made by October 16th.
Please email any questions as well as your application to the ATTN of the Holiday Sale Review Committee at Thank you!
In addition, we are looking for volunteers to help with promotions, setup/breakdown, coordination, etc. Please get in touch if you'd like to volunteer!