
Leveraging the Internet to Grow Your Biz

hello salonistas!
we want to invite you to our event happening tomorrow night!
we are dubbing it

Leveraging the Internet to Grow Your Business!
and it will be a panel discussion with

Mitra Morgan of Joss and Main
Julie Richards of Shelter Interior Design
Marni Elyse Katz of Boston Home Boston Globe Magazine & Design Milk
Jennifer Hill of Jennifer Hill Design

we are hoping to get a stimulating discussion going with those of you whose businesses have been affected positively (or negatively) by the internet. the internet is the new wild west, and it is changing retail every day..why just last friday (black friday) records for online shopping sales were broken again. let us learn from one another by sharing our most recent experiences.

tuesday descember 13th
7pm at Joss and Main
177 Huntington ave.
24th floor
boston ma

please bring snacks to share with the group.
cannot wait to see you all.

please rsvp to mcrae2@aol.com