
Oh la la...

Stacey Santo is rocket-hot! As senior marketing executive and on the "starting team" of Boston based retailer Rue la la, she defines the word "multi tasker". Stacey and Rue have cooked up a blend of fashion/bargains/marketing/innovation/technology resulting in the perfect blend of pure and simple GENIUS!

Come hear how Stacey has managed to give retail giants a run for their money and how she has made bargain shopping uber hip! It's sure to be a la la lavish treat for us!

We will meet at one of our favorite cozy spots...Twelve Chairs Boston. http://www.twelvechairsboston.com/ .

When: Tuesday, April 5th

Time: 7:00

Where: Twelve Chairs319 A Street. Fort Point. Boston

R.S.V.P.- Jill.palese@gmail.com

Please bring snacks and wine to share with the group!


South Windsor Curtains said...

Its time to get tips from the experienced ones who had been a success in their field. Its great that Stacey is going to share the secret of her success. Its about time we take pointers if we want to succeed as well.

jhonblack said...

Thank you so much! We will try our level best to contribute the maximum to the web community by all possible means! company logo design